Coach simeon’s Story

Simeon is a certified personal trainer, motivator, and a big believer that each of us has the power to make our dreams come true. 

Most people today may see him as a successful coach that’s strong and in good shape.  But his story begins as a skinny kid with many dreams and desires to change. 

Growing up he participated in many different sports and was always the smallest kid on the team. He was training hard, but because he was still doing things so wrong, was unable to gain muscle or improve in performance. 

Along with University and work, Simeon found time to exercise in the gym and eat well. He developed a dream and passion - to learn how the body works and how exactly to optimize diet and training according to scientific research. 

He spent years researching, reading, and listening to experts in the field of bodybuilding. He graduated from University with a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, whereafter one thing led to another and he decided to pivot to become a personal trainer. 

After getting certified as a personal trainer, he started offering coaching services, writing articles, trying to develop his skillset and actively looking for clients. During this time of searching for that next level of health and fitness, he stumbled across documentaries about how farm animals are treated around the world and how these industries are the biggest contributors to the decline of our environment. 

Simeon decided then to adopt a vegan lifestyle. Little did he know - that conviction would bring incredible opportunities into his life, where many people needed help and support along the same journey he was on. 

A year later, people were already regarding him as a reliable vegan coach they could trust in. Simeon has managed to find great teams and friends who have helped him along on his journey, and in turn, is helping others achieve the life they have always dreamed of. 

What he wants to tell everyone reading this is to “never give up on your dreams! Don't forget that every choice and every decision you make today determines your tomorrow and whether you will live fully and in harmony with yourself. Don't underestimate the will to change that you carry within you, no matter how bad the current situation may seem. Fight for and pursue your goals to the end!”


Start your transformation
with the support of a coach like Simeon!